
Getting Hooked on Audiobooks

The iPod Touch has given me a new taste for audiobooks. I used to think I would never switch from printed books to audiobooks, but this changed when a friend from PETA (the late Charlie dela Paz) gifted me with two cassette tapes laden with Rushdie's Haroun and the Sea of Stories.

Listening to Haroun made me realize that audiobooks do have their use. But they were expensive and hard to come by in Manila. It took many more years later, until I got the iPod Touch for me to rekindle my love of audiobooks.

Audiobooks boost my ability to learn new things, improve productivity and catch up on books which I no longer have time to readd. I know this is very un-zen like, but a harrowing drive through traffic can become more relaxed by listening to an audiobook.

Audiobooks also help ease my eyestrain (before sleeping, I listen to a few chapters).

I've finished listening to one audiobook now: The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team. I liked the audiobook a lot, because it is useful for our organization and as material for my Leadership class.

I'll be reviewing more audiobooks soon.

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